
A tear silently 
rolls down
a barren woman’s 
as she grieves 
while clutching an
empty womb
among the church body
singing loudly
seemingly bursting
with unhindered life.

Why are you silent?
You are the God of miracles. 

Shamefully, she texts
Pray for us.
in a home where darkness looms
angry words echo 
in a void of love.
A lonely wife
desperately searches
for options to heal
their relationship 
long ago


Why are you silent?
You are the God of miracles. 

The nightmare of a baby 
almost dead
is over
but its effects linger.
Years later
the emotions 
consume like
air leaving the room.
Anxiety has a home
crouched next to her. 

Why are you silent?
You are the God of miracles.

Identical prayers 
different women 
different volatile situations
echoed to
an unchanging God

The shattered wife clinging to 
You are good. 
The disillusioned, hopeful mom-to-be whispers
You are sovereign. 
The strung out, anxious mother, believing
You are faithful. 

We hiss 
at God.
He responds 
with gentleness.

He carves
the words of 
His immutable character
and changes 
our hearts. 

Each situation different 
He faithfully 
in his goodness
and sovereignty  
entreats us all to
the same Gospel.


Four Octobers


Wedding Ring